Beyond Cancer

The focus Beyond Cancer is to foster connections and share experiences that promote thriving after treatment.

Meetings take place on the second Monday of each month from 6:30 to 8pm, with dinner served beforehand at 5:45pm. Join us to connect, share, and discover new pathways to a vibrant life beyond cancer.

Color photo of woman in group comforting another woman with her hand on the other's shoulder

After completing cancer treatment, many survivors find it challenging to navigate their new reality. Life may not return to how it was before, but it’s essential to embrace the possibility of living a healthy, joyful, and fulfilling life despite these changes. To support this journey, Beyond Cancer offers a welcoming and nurturing support group specifically designed for cancer survivors.

Individual Counseling

Counseling is a powerful tool for learning coping skills and for healing. We offer is short-term individual, family or couples counseling for anyone directly impacted by cancer.


If you’re facing cancer—whether you’re a patient, survivor, caregiver, friend, family member, or someone who has lost a loved one—you probably have a lot on your mind. Our blog is here to support you and help answer your questions.

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Photos of Gilda Radner courtesy of Edie Baskins, Gene Spatz and NBC/NBCU Photo Bank.