This friendly group is open to men at any stage of their prostate cancer journey—whether newly diagnosed, in treatment, in remission, or living with advanced or metastatic disease. In the prostate cancer networking group, we warmly welcome caregivers, particularly family members who play a vital role in the journey, to join us as well.

Blurred color photo of men in a support group.

You’re Welcome Here

We Invite You To Join Us

In the Prostate Cancer Networking Group, caregivers, often wives of the participants, are included. It’s worth noting that not all groups allow caregivers— for instance, the breast cancer and gynecologic cancer networking groups focus solely on the women affected.

If you or someone you love needs support, you’ll just need to fill out a short form, and our friendly staff will reach out to you. Follow the link below to access our easy-to-use digital form and get started today!

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Photos of Gilda Radner courtesy of Edie Baskins, Gene Spatz and NBC/NBCU Photo Bank.